



一、cost 作名词

(一) 不可数名词,费用,钱等[U] the of to buy, do or make 价格;费用;成本。例如:

1. When you buy a new , you get at no cost (= for no ).买电脑时通常免费附送软件。

2. For many , two are to the cost of (= pay for) fees. 对许多家长来说,要支付孩子学费双职薪水必不可少。

3. The that it was the cost (= the ) of all its and meat.这家连锁超市宣布其所有鲜肉和冷冻肉降价销售。

4. It's for most to cope with the cost of (= of) .大多数人都难以承受医疗保健费用的上涨。

5. I was able to buy the at cost (= for only the of to or get the , any for ).我能以成本价买到残损商品。

(二) 成本;支出 [复数形式]the of for a or to do a job

1. We need to cut our .我们需要削减广告支出。

2.The of the are well over 1 .这项建筑工程的成本预算大大超出100万英镑。

(三) cost 给予之物,代价;牺牲;付出 is , or lost in to get a

1.We were to the , but when we the cost in time and , we to get a to do it for us. 我们本打算自己漆房子,可是考虑到既费时又费力,还是决定请油漆工来做。

2.The not to hit the who ran in of his car, but only at the cost of .司机避开了在他车前乱跑的小孩,可自己却受了伤。

3.She has got the job she , but at cost (= she has had to give up that were to her).她最终得到了想要的那份工作,可是个人付出的代价很大。

4.It's not into an with Tim, as I to my cost (= from my of done so).不值得和蒂姆发生争执,因为我已有过教训。

(四) 固定搭配at all cost(s) also at any cost.不惜任何代价;无论如何

1.If must be done or at all , it must be done or

the 's must be at all .要不惜一切代价确保总统在访问期间的安全。

2.He her at any cost, even if it up he had. 他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃他自己所拥有的一切。


(一) cost, cost If an of , you must pay that to buy or do it. 价钱为;需花费

1.—How much does this book cost (= What is the of this book)? —It 25. 这本书多少钱?25英镑。

2.It a lot to buy a in this part of .在伦敦的这一地区买栋房子要花很多钱。

(二)cost跟双宾语 [cost+ two ] 花费某人多少钱

The trip will cost you $1000.这趟旅游要花去你1000美元。

(三) cost作规则动词词义为: , 计算(成本);计算(花费)

to the cost of

1.How did you cost the for the new and gate?你是如何细算新围栏和大门的材料费用的?

2.Has your been (out)?你的方案好好计算过成本吗?

(四) cost , , 基本词义为: 丧失:to to lose or

1. 使付出代价;使丧失;使牺牲

and (= can in die).酒后驾车会付出生命的代价。

2. [+ two ]

His cost him his (= his of them).婚外情葬送了他的婚姻。

(五) cost构成的相关惯用法:

1. 惯用法cost sb dear

A. cost sb dear让(某人)花很多钱;使(某人)损失一大笔钱

to to a lot of or lose that -hand car it by a cost us dear.没先请机修工检查就买了那辆二手汽车,这让我们亏了许多钱。

B. cost sb dear 使(某人)付出沉重代价;使(某人)饱尝苦头 that does, , them dear, it them a lot of .

that year he a , an that cost him dear.那年末他攻击了一位摄影师,这件事让他付出了巨大代价

2.惯用法cost an arm and a leg/a 极其昂贵;花一大笔钱

I'd love to buy a -, but they cost an arm and a leg.我倒是想买辆劳斯莱斯,可实在太贵了。

3. 惯用法cost you要花很多钱;会很贵

It'll cost you to have your roof .修理屋顶要花很多钱。


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